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Save Girl Child

To transfer the donation and to set up a standing order, please use the account:

Name:   Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    SPK Bielefeld
IBAN:    DE53 4805 0161 0100 0136 06

Hand of Progress e.V. is recognised as a non-profit organisation and will issue donation receipts for donors which are recognised by the tax office. Please fill in your first name, surname and e-mail correctly. Thank you :)


Donation Total: €100

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Allgemeine Unterstützung unserer Bau-Projekte 

Zur Überweisung der Spende und für die Einrichtung eines Dauerauftrags nutzen Sie bitte das Konto:

Name:  Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    Spar- und Kreditbank eG Witten
IBAN:    DE83 4526 0475 0017 9688 00


Speziell für die Unterstützung gefährdeter Mädchen in Kenia

Zur Überweisung der Spende und für die Einrichtung eines Dauerauftrags nutzen Sie bitte das Konto:

Name:  Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    SPK Bielefeld
IBAN:    DE53 4805 0161 0100 0136 06

Hand of Progress e.V. ist als gemeinnützig anerkannt und wird für Spender Zuwendungsbestätigungen ausstellen, die vom Finanzamt anerkannt werden. Dafür bitte Vor- & Nachnamen sowie E-Mail korrekt angeben. Danke 🙂


Donation Total: €100

Board & Helpers

Grace Karanja-Nurek

Lecturer and initiator of Hand of Progress e.V. Grace lives in Germany and is responsible for the implementation and maintenance of projects. Growing up in Kenya, she had accepted the poor state of sanitation in school facilities as the norm. It was not until Germany that the dream of a clean toilet was born. She has become a WASH specialist herself.

Detlef Biber

Managing Director and Contractor at Begeistert Wohnen GmbH & Co.KG.. Detlef is very interested in long-term results of projects to ensure that goals are met. He uses his knowledge and experience in the construction industry to advance our plumbing projects, mobilize resources, and build industry and community networks.

Thomas Nurek

Social worker at Johanniter in Bielefeld and enthusiastic fundraiser and ambassador. Thomas has organized very successful charity runs in the past. These and other activities can be followed on our Facebook page.

Harry Brakowski

Managing Director and entrepreneur of Bauer International Group GmbH. Harry adjusts the financial aspects of the organization and makes sure the available funds are in order.

Helene Brakowski

Helene is a great organizer and event manager. She enjoys being responsible for our annual dinners and events with our sponsors.

Simone Hildebrandt

Teacher at the Georg Müller School in Bielefeld. Simone is our ambassador and has collected pencils, paints and drawing materials for Mukuyu primary school children in the past.

Werner Mare

Werner is all too familiar with the plumbing issue, having come from the industry. He is managing director and entrepreneur of StuteDienstleistungen GmbH and consultant.

Moisés Guedes

Graduate engineer in quality management at Miele & Cie. KG. Moisés is our ambassador and networker in the Christian and secular spheres.

Patrick Böllhoff

Patrick is responsible for the website. He has a passion for travel and is extremely technical and IT-savvy, which contributes to the optimisation and development of Hand of Progress' online presence.

Thomas Nurek

We dream big and get things done

School development and growth should not be compromised by inadequate sanitation and lack of water in schools these days, if it is possible to change this.

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Supporting companies

We are very grateful for help of any kind. Whether it is money, donations in kind or know-how. With multidisciplinary combined knowledge, we can advance our project and meet the needs in Kenya.